A reusable produce bag filled with lemons and dragonfruit laying against a white background.

Take The Green Dining Pledge!

As many around the world are making New Year Resolutions for 2023, we would like to invite all foodies, business owners, environmentalists, community members, and dining enthusiasts to Take the Green Dining Pledge for 2023!

This online form involves six steps that anybody can take to support local efforts to create a greener, more sustainable dining model for our future. The pledge encourages everyone in the community, from our experienced business owners to our New-In-Town food tourists, and everyone in between to Reduce Waste, Choose Reusables, Recycle Effectively, Embrace Clean Transportation, and spread the word about these greener habits to our friends, family, and coworkers. 

Green Dining Nevada, a collaborative project with the goal of supporting sustainable dining, created this pledge in fall 2022. Please join us by taking the pledge today!

Do you have suggestions for what you’d like to see in our sustainable future? Comment below!

Are you a business that wants to get involved with our free programming?

Foliage from a tree in different shades of green.

Green Dining Day Announced by the City of Reno

The City of Reno officially declared October 11 as Green Dining Day, a day to recognize and promote sustainable business practices at restaurants. Read the full proclamation here!

We were glad to be in attendance at the mayoral proclamation, representing greenUP!’s Green Dining programs and the newly formed Green Dining NV, a newly formed coalition of organizations designed to help coordinate resources and information for restaurants looking to make their operations more sustainable. You can read more about the Green Dining NV initiative here.

Take a look at our coverage from KOLO 8 here.

Check out photos from the Green Dining Day below!